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Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting Old is Not That Bad, but....

For marketeers specialized in Marketing to Seniors, I am old, retired and I don't know what to do with my time, my money, my sexuality, my health, or my relations to women. I need to take special care with food, take numerous pills, walk like crazy for many miles a day, I have to stop playing tennis or squash, because that would be too dangerous. For their sake, I turned to golf...

But how can they possibly know what my needs are? They are too young! They are trying to sell me products I've never been interested in and probably never will be.

Therefore, especially for you, young marketeer, free tips from a really old senior!

For example: in the shower (many seniors take showers), when I want to wash my hair (many seniors still have hair).

When I was young, I had two things in the shower cabinet: a bar of soap for my body and a bottle of shampoo for my hair. Today, the bar of soap has disappeared, instead, there are many bottles of body shampoo, which my wife and my daughter need to keep their bodies in good shape. No problem for me, I use one of those bottles and I take the one in the darkest colour, the one that looks most masculine.

For the hair shampoo however, there is a real problem: under the shower I do not wear my reading glasses and I have no pocket to put them in. And there are over 30 botttles of liquids for hair purposes. Some of those liquids do terrible things to a man's hair. And here, I cannot rely on the colour, because many of those bottles do not contain shampoo, but other necessary liquids for female hair. So, I have to try one bottle after another, until I feel something like foam on my head.

Concluding, my tip #1: put the words HAIR SHAMPOO in big capitals on the bottle.
-your target needs glasses to read what's on the packages, but cannot use them under the shower.
-in deparment stores, old guys will tend for your bottle of HAIR SHAMPOO and leave all the others because they are illegible.

You could, of course, also invent glasses for under the shower.

Blog posting courtesy of Senior, Dirk Ampoorter.
Dirk's goal is to educate marketers and sales people to better serve seniors.

Dirk can be found on LinkedIn.