SCSA’s Annual CSA Conference | Denver, Colorado | August 7-9, 2014
SCSA’s Annual CSA Conference is designed to provide current information relevant to professionals working in the senior market on the health, financial, social and legal issues associated with aging and how to apply practical knowledge to improve business practices. The CSA Conference is structured so that attendees gain knowledge relevant to their senior business and have opportunities to grow their professional networks by connecting with others in the senior market. The 2014 Program Committee invites proposals for conference sessions supporting the theme Building Knowledge and Empowering Networks to Benefit Seniors.
The deadline for proposals to reach SCSA’s office is November 30, 2013.
Proposals will only be accepted if they are submitted using the Session Proposal Form which can be downloaded at http://bit.ly/16jMsDt. Completed forms should be returned to information@csa.us with subject line 2014 Session Proposal.

The FINANCE program track features both advanced and intermediate financial sessions. Some sessions will be geared toward professionals already working in financial services and are designed to be more specific and advanced, while others are meant to appeal to non-financial services professionals seeking a broader understanding that financial issues can have on their clients and their business. Trending issues or upcoming changes and their implications are preferred.
The HEALTHCARE program track features sessions designed to inform participants, provoke discussions and explore new issues related to all aspects of healthcare and caregiving. Healthcare sessions can be a wide variety of topics and should be applicable to all professionals providing care to older adults at various stages of life and multiple levels of care. The healthcare track should include sessions that explore new concepts, address common and emerging issues, or identify best practices.
The PUBLIC POLICY program track features sessions designed to 1) educate CSAs through a balanced program track 2) examine new and pending policies that involve senior legislation. The Public Policy session should apply to CSAs from across the US, but can include state specific case studies, examples, regulations, existing law and proposals.
The CURRENT RESEARCH & LIFESTYLE program track features sessions designed to enhance professional’s knowledge and skills for better job performance and practices. This track should include sessions that provide information relevant to technology, marketing, social media, company expansion and overcoming business obstacles. Sessions should relate back to senior specific concepts and issues, but can have a wider scope than other conference tracks.
The conference includes 4 program tracks:
- Finance
- Healthcare
- Public Policy
- Current Research and Lifestyle
Interactive sessions with opportunities for facilitated discussion and Q&A, as well as sessions with a case-based approach, are preferred. Preference will be given to sessions that include proven and well-regarded speakers and sessions that focus on outcomes and learning rather than a narrative approach. Sessions should include national content and multiple perspectives on issues. A balanced view of issues and a diversity of perspectives, spanning across senior industry professions is critical. Joint submissions that span the interests of multiple programing tracks are also encouraged.
All proposals dealing with topics relevant to the four programming tracks are certainly welcome, but the following list includes some of the current trends and themes that are of interest to Certified Senior Advisors:
Health care changes │ Affordable Care Act │ Power of Attorney │ Long Term Care and LTC Insurance │ Keeping seniors active and healthy │ Fostering services for middle income seniors │ Veterans benefits │ Aging in Place │ Identity Theft │ Repositioning for the new consumer │Enhancing customer service │ Critical issues in aging and the aging industry │ Dementia and Mental Health │ Cyber Security │ Generational Marketing │ Recovering from Traumatic Events │ Crisis Communication │ Reaching Adult Children and Caregivers │ Exposing Your Organizations Flaws │ Legal Compliance and Updates │ Senior Relocations │ Estate Planning │ Technology and Healthcare │ Identifying and adopting best business practices │ Recent trends in aging business
For any questions regarding the CSA Conference please contact SCSA at 800.653.1785
or visit www.csa.us/callforsessionproposals.
or visit www.csa.us/callforsessionproposals.
Blog posting provided by Society of Certified Senior Advisors