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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Meet Our CSA Spotlight, Sheila LaCour

I am sentimental about seniors, and stirred up about the times. As I write this, I rekindle moments of past journeys, which I hold dear. Down winding roads and on paths crossed, I reflect upon the similarities of seniors regardless of any circumstance or situation, and I realize it all comes full circle. The Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end. Our seniors, those who led before us, they incite intriguing notions of life in me and make me hope that the future generations will embrace their legacy also.


They are the first generation, the Alpha. They lead the gene pool of experiences—a culmination of wonderful and extraordinary results. Through global catastrophes, health and emotional challenges, and an array of other maladies, our senior warriors have weathered the storm. Their cups have surely “runneth” over.

As each new generation comes forth, we must be diligent to empty our cups and not just sip from them. We must not just let the cup (our lives) stand still, becoming stagnant and moldy. We must look to those before us as examples of how we should live. We need to finish what we have started, share the knowledge so that more gifts can come to us and in turn we will pass it on to generations to come. Our cups will empty and fill up many times in life but, as we age some of us will need help lifting the teapot or with bringing the cup up to our mouths to sip.

Our seniors were not meant to be sitting in homes, convalescing feebly. They were meant to thrive and pass down their wisdom to the next generation. We live in an imperfect world where we make mistakes over and over, due to a lack of knowledge and communication. Both knowledge and communication are two of the most important survival and growth factors of our times; by grace alone are we able to get up and move on. Faith and our strength to endure carry us through. Seniors are faced with unexpected changes in many areas of their lives, and we can offer a new perspective with regard to sharing information, caring by doing, keeping the “Core” well maintained, basic awareness about nutrition, exercise and a positive atmosphere that creates love and understanding for one another.

Our seniors should be respected for their years of hard work, and for paving a path for a better life for us. Their efforts and courage have contributed to our continued existence, and the grand lives we enjoy today.

If we all join together for the betterment of our seniors, and we do not stifle but reassure and nurture them with unconditional love, we might learn valuable things that could be passed on to the next generations. Our young ones have much to learn. This fast age has left out the most essential and basic principles of life: communication, understanding, courtesy and respect. But with a bit of encouragement, our youth can work with seniors to make a difference and to become a new generation of movement and change. Our seniors have laid the foundation, now we must continue to pass on their wisdom.

After working with seniors for over sixteen years, I found myself a statistic of the unemployed. At my previous job, I spoke to patients and families, providing information and resources among many other tasks. One morning while pursuing work online, I clicked on a page, then another and eventually the CSA website appeared. Now, what you don’t know is that my morning prayer was to be able to use my gifts to help people or at least someone. When we search inside, each one of us has a gift. With courage and humility the light of understanding will shine bright. The more I read about the CSA designation and identified with their principles (which mirrored my own), the more my excitement grew. So, we chose each other! I would like to commend the extraordinary people that created all CSA study material and resources.

Sheila LaCour, CSA
Certified Senior Advisor