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Monday, September 24, 2012

You Don't Have to be a Loan Officer to Help With Reverse Mortgages

The need to liquidize assets in order to raise the funds necessary to maintain financial independence as a senior or even care for aging loved ones is a growing trend in America.  There are many products and services offered today that promise a senior will be “all set” financially, however it is essential that professionals invest the time to better understand these products in order to effectively serve their clients. A Reverse Mortgage is one method many seniors are utilizing to convert the equity in their homes to cash so that they can maintain greater financial security, meet unexpected medical expenses, make home improvements and much more.

CSA Alain Valles, an expert on reverse mortgages, will be presenting the next SCSA educational webinar: Reverse Mortgages: Help Clients and Increase Referrals. Valles is President of Direct Finance Corp., and was the first person in New England to receive the arduous Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional (CRMP) designation. He will provide attendees of this informational webinar with the pros and cons of Reverse Mortgages and will share his expertise in order to help other professionals improve and maintain the quality of life for their senior clients.
This webinar will not make you a loan officer, but rather will increase your knowledge in order to better serve clients whatever your discipline.
The webinar will be held Thursday, September 27th. To sign up go to Reverse Mortgage Webinar.
A reverse mortgage can be a suitable option for many homeowners, but they are not always for everyone. What experiences have you or a loved one had with a reverse mortgage, and what made this option work or not work for that situation?