Join the Society of Certified Senior Advisors
Monday, July 13th
2015 White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA)
Monday, July 13th
2015 White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA)
The Society of Certified Senior Advisors (SCSA) is hosting a viewing session for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging. SCSA is one of three watch parties being held in the State of Colorado for the White House Conference on Aging. SCSA welcomes the public to their Denver office, to attend this live streamed event.
SCSA White House Conference on Aging Watch Party Agenda
Monday, July 13
8:00am to 10:20am
Welcome; Opening Panels on Caregiving and Financial Security; President Obama’s Remarks
Welcome; Opening Panels on Caregiving and Financial Security; President Obama’s Remarks
Break during the Eastern Time Lunch Hour
Afternoon Panel Discussions on Healthy Aging, Elder Justice and Technology
2:20pm to 2:30pm MST
View the SCSA listing on the WHCOA website
Blog post provided by Society of Certified Senior Advisors