In late October, the IRS released 2012 inflation-adjusted tax numbers, taking into account the 3.6% inflation rate between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011.
In addition to the income tax changes noted below, 2012 will see the first inflation adjustment to the exclusion amount for estate, gift, and generation skipping transfer taxes, which will increase from $5,000,000 to $5,120,000.
Some of the 2012 income tax adjustments include:
Standard Deduction
Married filing joint.....................$11,900
Head of Household........................$8,700
Unmarried or Married filing Separately...$5,950
Additional Standard Deduction for Aged and/or Blind
Married (per person).....................$1,150
Personal Exemption
All taxpayers (for each dependent).......$3,800
2012 Tax Bracket Breakpoints

Information provided by Frank Vidin, CFP, CSA, financial and non-profit consultant and CSA faculty member.
1. Rev. Proc. 2011-52 (October 20, 2011).
2. The tax bracket breakpoint is the point where the next dollar of taxable income will be taxed at a higher bracket.