My significant other and I both work in the senior industry, and have a passion to positively impact the lives of seniors through the professionals we serve. On a personal level, we have been spending a lot of time with our girls to teach them about “servant mentality” and the importance of integrity. To that end, we signed up to volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association on Saturday, May 14th. Katie (3) and Meredith (7) had never volunteered before and what a great lesson in service!
We woke up at six a.m. to a balmy 34 degrees here in Denver. We bundled the kids up, and went to the King Soopers near my office building. Armed with a huge bag of bracelets and packets of Forget Me Not seeds, we began our two hour fundraising block. Each person who contributed received an ABC bracelet and seeds for their garden. Our family was very proud to raise $165.13 in the two hours we were there, and successfully handed out every single one of the bracelets that I received at the conference.
Thank you Always Best Care for providing a gift for the donations we raised for the Alzheimer’s Association, and here is to our continued partnership!
Liz Gramm
Society of Certified Senior Advisors